What Is It?
Google Drive is Lipscomb's official personal cloud backup storage solution. Google Drive, as cloud storage, allows you to save data and files on both your computer and backed-up off-site and off your device should something happen to that device. This function also allows you to access the cloud storage from anywhere on any device. It also allows for easy sharing between colleagues and students.
Who Is Eligible to Use It?
Lipscomb employees and students have access to their own personal Google Drives through their Google account.
Where Can I Get It?
Google Drive is part of your Lipscomb Google account. You access it at drive.google.com, installed on your computer as an app (downloaded here), or through your Gmail by clicking the '9 Dots' (waffle) icon for all "Google Apps" and selecting Drive.
How Do I Use It?
For best practices and instructions, see the 'Related Articles' links to the right.