EMMA Marketing Emails

What Is It?

EMMA is an email marketing tool that allows you to send mass emails. This tool allows you to reach large groups of people without being identified as a 'spammer'. It will gives you response results that tell about your recipients: if the email was opened, how long it was open, and if there was any interaction. With Emma, you have one chance to reach ALL students and ALL employees as well as other large groups with your first piece of communication.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Specified users/departments who have a business need to email large sets of users may request access to this tool. A designated EMMA account must be setup.

Where Can I Get It?

The Digital Marketing team sets up and manages the EMMA program. Please see their link here on the Lipscomb website or email them by clicking the button in the upper right.

Email Digital Marketing about Emma Access


Service ID: 3032
Wed 3/23/22 1:44 PM
Thu 5/19/22 10:12 AM