What Is It?
Website unblocks are when a website is blocked or not connecting and the site is added to an allow list. This will allow it to pass through our security and connect to the website. Most websites that are blocked are blocked for malware violation or other security reasons. Legit websites that are blocked are usually because they are sharing an IP address with a known malicious website.
Who Is Eligible to Use It?
All Lipscomb employees and students.
Where Can I Get It?
Submit a ticket here by clicking the 'Request' button in the upper right, or send an email to helpdesk@lipscomb.edu.
How Do I Use It?
After submitting the ticket, the website will be reviewed for malicious activity and unblocked if it poses no threat to the University. When browsing the internet make sure the website you are at has the correct spelling in the URL or else it may be a fake site disguised as a real one.