Google Workspace Apps

What Is It?

Google Workspace Apps for Education, also known as Google Workspace and formerly G-Suite,  is a collaboration and productivity suite, similar to Microsoft 365, that allows you to create and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, manage your email, and attend virtual meetings. Some of Google Workspace’s main features include:

  • Gmail
  • Google Drive (cloud-storage)
  • Google Docs (word processing app)
  • Google Sheets (spreadsheets)
  • Google Slides (slideshows and presentations)
  • Google Meet (video conferencing)
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Keep (note-taking app)

Google Workspace is 100% browser-based, which means everything is done directly from your web browser, making it easy to move from a computer to a mobile device to a tablet. It is recommended to use the Google Chrome browser for the best use of its functionality and integration across devices.

Check out Google's New User guides which walks you through everything after the initial sign-in and what to do on the first day, the first week, and beyond.

Google Guides for New Users »

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

All Lipscomb Students, Staff, and Faculty have a license to use Google Workspace. We initially provide 50GB of personal storage per user for use in their Google workspace which includes your email and drive.

Please note that we use as our email provider, and not Outlook.

Where Can I Get It?

Since Lipscomb provides a Gmail account, just open Gmail in a browser window, sign in with your Lipscomb email and password, and navigate to the Google App Launcher button (9 dots) on the upper right corner of your screen. If you are using the Chrome browser, you may see that same App Launcher icon on the homepage.  Once you click the apps button, it will display all your available apps.

If you have not setup your Lipscomb Student or Employee account, please follow those instructions first.



Related Articles (2)

How to setup and access your employee account and email
How to setup and access your student account and email.