What Is It?
Campus Nexus Student (CNS) is our online Registration and Documentation Platform. This is where you will register for classes, set up and pay your bills, turn in medical and tax information, etc. It is also where you will access NelNet, our online payment processor to setup payment plans, etc.
Who Is Eligible to Use It?
Active Lipscomb students have access to use CNS.
Where Can I Get It?
It is found in the my.Lipscomb Portal at my.lipscomb.edu on the homepage or 'All Apps' page.
How Do I Use It?
The best place to start with questions about CNS is the CNS Knowledgebase in the my.Lipscomb Portal. Most CNS based questions may be answered by the Registrar's Office, and they have a number of Help and Instructional Guides avaialable. If the Registar cannot help you, you may be directed to IT, but please start with the Registar.